Featured Highlights

  • Matching Gift Campaign

    Pollinator Partnership’s (P2) founding employee, Laurie Davies Adams, has generously created a foundational legacy with a gift match donation of $50,000. After 28 years, Laurie will be stepping back from staff duties while remaining on the Board of Directors. Her vision is that this matching gift will generate new funds for P2, ensuring long-term support for pollinators. Every first-time or increased donation made or pledged now through December 31, 2024 will be matched dollar-for-dollar. Please join Laurie to grow the Catalyst Fund - Creating a strong foundation for a brighter future.

  • NAPPC Awards

    The North American Pollinator Protection Campaign (NAPPC) is seeking nominations for eight prestigious awards: Pollinator Advocate Award (three countries), the Farmer-Rancher Pollinator Conservation Award (three countries), the Pollinator Roadside Management Award, and the Pollinator Electric Power Award. The awards will be presented at the annual NAPPC Conference in Washington D.C. in October 2024.

  • Bringing Back the Blog

    Pollinator Partnership is excited to announce that regular blog posts will be returning to pollinator.org. Catch up on our latest blog posts discussing honey bee health and past year's award winners. Stay tuned for more blogs about planning for pollinator habitat, endemic pollinators, and more!

  • Monarchs

    Monarch butterflies are an iconic species, easily recognized by their large and vibrant orange wings. Learn more about this species and what Pollinator Partnership is doing to protect them.

  • BFF Third-Party Verification

    In 2023, Pollinator Partnership launched a third-party verified option for the Bee Friendly Farming Certified program. This option supplements the widely adopted BFF program to meet sustainable sourcing requirements from global brands and retailers. Keeping with the BFF philosophy, we developed this option closely with farmers, brands, and sustainability partners to ensure effectiveness for farmers, brands, consumers, AND pollinators.

  • Join our Bee Friendly Gardening Program

    Kick off the new year by joining our Bee Friendly Gardening program! The mission of Bee Friendly Gardening is to help you play a bigger role in the health of pollinators and the planet - no lawn, garden, balcony or window box is too small. Learn more and apply HERE.

  • Ecoregional Planting Guides

    Our ecoregional planting guides are tailored to specific areas of the United States and Canada. Click HERE to find out which ecoregion you live in and to get your free guide to plant for pollinators!

  • Native Pollinator Garden Cards

    These regionally specific Native Pollinator Garden Recipe Cards are designed with easy to follow guidelines for creating home pollinator gardens that provide diverse and colorful herbaceous floral displays and resources across growing seasons. Download the card for your region HERE.


Birds, bats, bees, butterflies, beetles, and other small mammals that pollinate plants are responsible for bringing us one out of every three bites of food.

They also sustain our ecosystems and produce our natural resources by helping plants reproduce.

Without the actions of pollinators agricultural economies, our food supply, and surrounding landscapes would collapse.

Learn more.