Pollinators need us and we need pollinators. Help us make a difference!
Bee Friendly Gardening (BFG) helps people play a bigger role in the health of pollinators and the planet. More than 85% of U.S. households have an outdoor living space; by converting these areas to much-needed habitat, together we can have a big impact. Your space can provide support to pollinators and other wildlife - no lawn, garden, balcony, or window box is too small!

Where We Garden
Join BFG today to connect with a network of gardeners all across North America and beyond. But don't stop there! Register your Bee Friendly Garden to visualize the collective impact all of our gardens are having on the landscape. Let's paint the continent green!

BFG Membership Criteria
- Pay the recurring annual $20 membership subscription
Benefits of Being a BFG Member
- Digital welcome packet with members-only resources
- Personalized Certificate of Membership
- Subscription to Bee Friendly Gardening monthly e-newsletter
- Access to exclusive BFG Member webpage, which includes priority/exclusive opportunities for free seeds, resources, campaigns, webinars and videos
- Invitation to the BFG Facebook Member Community
- Exclusive access to the BFG store where you can purchase hats, brochures, and more!
- Access to our online resource library to assist you with your pollinator-related garden projects
- Personalized planting guide and garden recipe card for your location
- 20% off Pollinator Partnership consulting services
- Chances to enter into drawings for pollinator/garden-related giveaways
- Opportunities to share your garden/story with other BFG members
- Help direct BFG programs via your input
- Opportunity to register your BFG
Interested in an organizational membership? Click here or email!
By joining the Bee Friendly Gardening Member community, you are connecting to a larger network of Bee Friendly Farming Certified producers, supporting farmers, and building recognition for the good work they are doing for our pollinators. The Bee Friendly programs help farmers and gardeners incorporate affordable, simple, science-based guidelines, like offering nutrition and habitat for bees and implementing integrated pest management strategies. Bee Friendly Gardening Members are an essential part of keeping our pollinators healthy and food supply abundant. Ready to make a difference? Join BFG today, and support the pollinators and other wildlife with which we share this planet.
Bee Friendly Garden Registration Criteria
- Plant nectar and pollen-providing plants that bloom throughout the season, especially in early spring and late autumn. We provide resources to help you with this! Include a minimum of five pollinator-friendly plants in your garden, three of which must be native to your region.
- Provide nesting sites via permanent plantings and by leaving dead stems, bare ground, and tree stumps/snags, or by offering bee houses.
- Reduce or eliminate the use of pesticides, and eliminate pesticides that are harmful to pollinators. Use Integrated Pest Management (IPM).
Benefits of BFG Registration
- Get your BFG on our Member Map
- Opportunity to purchase a BFG sign showing that your garden is supporting pollinators
- Invitation to the BFG iNaturalist Project to monitor pollinator visits
- Letter in support of residential pollinator habitat to your municipality/HOA (upon request)
Earn BFG Badges

Join us in doing more for pollinators! With our BFG badge system, you can take further action as a BFG Member and be recognized for your efforts. Earn badges on your Member certificate and proudly display all you are doing to help pollinators.
Thank You to Our Sponsors
Thank You to Our Partners

The presence of sponsor logos, names, or contributions on this website does not imply endorsement or agreement with their philosophies, policies, or business practices. Pollinator Partnership remains an independent organization dedicated to the protection of pollinators and their ecosystems. Our collaborations are based on shared goals of pollinator conservation, and we welcome support from diverse partners while maintaining our own mission and values.
BFG is a North American program, administered through the United States, that accepts Members globally.