Bigger Than Bees

Pollinators are essential to our daily life. Imagine a cup without coffee, a garden without flowers, or a plate without food. With the decline of pollinators on the rise, our food is on the line. More than 200,000 species of pollinators are critical to the growth of our food supply. Without them, we would go hungry.
If you love food, flowers, and pollinators, please make a donation to Pollinator Partnership. Our mission to is protect pollinators and ensure our future food security through conservation, research, and education.
Donate Now:
The Facts:
- More than 1,000 of all pollinators are vertebrates such as birds, bats, and small mammals. Most (more than 200,000 species) are beneficial insects such as flies, beetles, wasps, ants, butterflies, moths and bees.
- Pollinators contribute $217 billion to the global economy annually.
- Monarch butterflies have declined by 95% since 1990.
- 25% of bumble bees species are thought to be in serious decline.
What YOUR Donation Means for Pollinators:
- Your donation allows us to expand all of our education and advocacy programs throughout North America.
- Your support not only saves the lives of pollinators, but also ensures agricultural well being for generations to come.
Other Ways to Support Pollinators:
- Plant for pollinators.
- Reduce or eliminate your contribution to the use of pesticides.
- Reach out to others - inform and inspire!
- Support local bees and beekeepers.
- Conserve all of our resources - use less and reduce your impact.
- Support the work of groups promoting science based, practical efforts, for pollinators.
- Join Pollinator Partnership.
Donate now and support our efforts to protect the lives of pollinators and to secure ours.
If you have any questions about giving, please contact us:
Pollinator Partnership
582 Market Street, STE 1215
San Francisco, CA 94104
Phone: 415-362-1137