Pollinator Partnership Pollinator Steward Certification

By Lora Morandin, Pollinator Partnership
Introducing a new Pollinator Partnership Program: Become a Pollinator Partnership Certified Pollinator Steward!
A lot of people have heard that bees and other pollinators are in trouble, and they want to help. But starting can often be intimidating. Add to that, that there is a lot of misinformation on the issues and the best way to help bees. One group of land managers in Victoria, BC Canada now know how to help bees and other pollinators. And, they’ve made significant contributions to habitat creation and education after completing the first Pollinator Partnership Pollinator Steward Certification Workshop in the spring of 2018.
The workshop certification program is designed to teach land managers about native pollinators, with a focus on native bees: why they are important, the issues they face, and how they can make a significant impact on conservation. The workshop covers plant selection, restoration techniques, pollinator identification and monitoring, planning your project, budgeting, maintenance, outreach and education, building artificial nesting sites, and Indigenous history, land use, and stewardship. At the inaugural workshop in Victoria, BC, conducted in partnership with local groups Habitat Acquisition Trust and Saanich Native Plants, registrants included municipal parks supervisors, a BC Department of Transportation environmental roadside manager, a golf course manager, a W̱SÁNEĆ & SENĆOŦEN Language and Cultural Revitalist, a community garden manager, a golf course land manager, the Integrated Pest Management Coordinator for the world-famous Butchart Gardens, and a cemetery landscape manager to name a few. The workshop featured local restoration and pollinator experts, lively discussions on barriers to pollinator conservation and solutions, and a talk and site visit to a Parks Canada native plant meadow restoration.

Following the workshop, participants created native plant pollinator gardens and restoration areas, removed invasive plants, engaged with the public, lead student pollinator monitoring, and taught co-workers about the importance of native pollinators. After demonstration of both aspects, habitat creation and education, participants were awarded with the Pollinator Steward Certification Stamps. They are using these stamps to demonstrate that they have a science-based understanding of pollinators and the practical know-how to help them. Certification also shows that you have used your knowledge to create habitat and educate others.

Pollinator Partnership can provide a workshop for your group or in your region. The two-day workshop can be tailored for land managers, corporate groups, naturalist groups, or gardners. Stewardship courses and certification are unique to each location and focus on local native plant restoration strategies and local pollinator populations. Contact Pollinator Partnership for more information on hosting a Pollinator Steward Certification Workshop. Visit HERE for more information.