Make an Honor or a Memory Donation
To give a memorial or tribute donation is a meaningful way to honor someone's life while supporting Pollinator Partnership's (P2) mission to ensure the survival our earth’s ecosystems. We will also send you a certificate with a donation of $50 or more.
We are grateful that you have chosen to donate to P2 in memory or in honor of someone special. Your help has never been needed more urgently. It makes each Pollinator Partnership program possible and builds stewardship to ensure a healthy world for generations to come.
Pollinator Partnership is a nonprofit 501(c)(3) tax-exempt organization designated by the Internal Revenue Code.
If you would like to give a memorial or tribute donation of less than $50, please visit There, you can give a general donation of any amount and specify the individual you are giving in honor of in PayPal's "Add special instructions to the seller" field. Please note that you will not receive a certificate commemorating your donation unless you use the form above.
Donate by Mail
Or, if you prefer, you may mail a check via U.S. Post. If you choose to mail your contribution, please be sure to include a note indicating the name of the person you are honoring, as well as the name and e-mail address of anyone who should receive an acknowledgment of your generous donation. Please include all required information from the form above and send your contribution and note to the following address:
Pollinator Partnership
582 Market St., STE 1215
San Francisco, CA 94104
If you have any questions about giving, please contact us:
Pollinator Partnership
582 Market St., STE 1215
San Francisco, CA 94104
Phone: 415.362.1137

Pollinator Partnership received the highest 4 Star Charity Rating for Chartiy Navigator.
Pollinator Partnership Privacy Policy
P2 does not sell or distribute any private information provided by donors. Read P2's Privacy Policy.