This project has concluded. The following materials and resources were developed to train Monarch Wings Across the Eastern Broadleaf Forest (MWAEBF) seed collection volunteers within the Eastern Broadleaf Forest-Continental Province. While the webinars and Download Center materials are still available for your reference, this project is no longer recruiting volunteers. If you are looking to participate in an active project, please go to the Project Wingspan webpage HERE and join us in continuing our efforts to improve the landscape for imperiled pollinators
Photo by Heath Hamillton
Training Webinars
These webinars review the seed collection protocols and best management practices adopted/developed by MWAEBF as well as provide an introduction to the 20 regionally native target species from which seed was collected for this project. This program is no longer active, but the webinars and resources provided here and in the Download Center below will remain on this page as reference material for those seeking to learn how to conduct sustainable seed collections from common native plants for conservation purposes.
Project introduction and 20 target species for Volunteer Seed Collectors:
Project introduction and 20 target species for Team Leads & Data Collectors:
Survey 123 data collection tutorial video for data collectors:
Do you need to update your Survey 123 application or make sure you have the current Seed Collection Survey? If so, watch this tutorial from CAST.
If you need help troubleshooting the process you can email Brian Culpepper or click the title in the upper left-hand corner of the video and submit your comment on the video’s YouTube page
Download Center
Monarch Wings Across the Eastern Broadleaf Forest Seed Collection Manual
Plant Profiles for the 20 Target Species
Our In-Person Training Power Point Slides
20 Target Species with Bloom Chart
Illustrated Plant Structure Guide
This guide has been provided by UF/IFAS Center for Aquatic and Invasive Plants