Monarch Wings Across Ohio
Monarchs used to number in the billions, but over the course of the last 20 years, their populations have decreased by nearly 90%. This is largely due to habitat loss, and a loss of milkweed, the host plant for their larva. To help monarchs recover, millions of native plants, especially milkweed, will need to be planted. With generous support from The Kelvin and Eleanor Smith Foundation and The J.M. Smucker Company, the Pollinator Partnership (P2) joined with a number of Northeast Ohio individuals and institutions to form Monarch Wings Across Ohio (MWAO). The goal of this exciting project was to find out how best to create new habitat for this iconic but imperiled butterfly.

Through the leadership of MWAO’s partner organizations, monarch habitat research plots were installed on 18 sites in four different types of land: farm, gardens, rights-of-way, and corporate land. Over the course of three years, P2 scientists observed and analyzed how monarchs used these sites to gain an understanding of how best to create much-needed new habitat on these land types. Using this information, P2 developed a series of guides to empower Ohioans with the knowledge and tools to make a difference for monarchs on lands that they own, work, or manage.
Unlike many of the environmental issues we are faced with on a daily basis, you can have a direct, positive impact on monarchs by incorporating monarch habitat into your farm, garden, corporate landscape, or rights-of-way. From the smallest container gardens, to large landscaping projects, all of these areas create vital habitat for monarchs and other pollinators, and are a great way to beautify an area while providing critical resources for supporting wildlife.
MWAO planting: Oak Hill Park, Wooster Ohio 2017 and 2019

Monarch Wings Across Ohio Habitat Guides
Whether you’re working with the community or at home, as a gardener, you have the opportunity to make a tangible difference for monarchs. A monarch garden can take the form of an interpretive planting such as one found at a park or simply the integration of monarch supporting plants into your existing home landscape.
Download our free guide on creating monarch habitat in gardens and read about the 5 simple steps you can take to improve your landscape for monarchs and other wildlife who are greatly in need of quality habitat throughout Ohio.
Inside the guide you’ll find:
- Considerations for planning and designing your monarch garden
- Recommendations for selecting plants
- Tips for site preparation and planting
- Habitat maintenance recommendations
- Ideas for raising public awareness of monarch-friendly habitat opportunities
- Resources for finding native plant nurseries and other monarch programs in Ohio
Though there are challenges to monarch conservation on farms, there are also opportunities. Ideally, actions you take to benefit monarchs will also have positive business, production, and stewardship implications.
Download our free guide on creating monarch habitat on farms and learn about the three strategies for monarch conservation on farmlands. Creating this much-needed habitat will not only support the imperiled monarch migration, but can also produce high quality habitat for bees and other pollinators that can provide pollination services to your fields and help increase crop yields.
Inside the guide you’ll find:
- Strategies to identify and preserve existing natural habitat
- Tips on how to enhance your land for monarchs
- How to time mowing and conduct other maintenance needs with pollinators in mind
- Recommendations for selecting plants
- Tips for site preparation and planting
- Ideas for raising public awareness of monarch-friendly farm practices
- A habitat evaluation rubric
- Resources for finding native plant nurseries and other monarch programs in Ohio
Commercial buildings and lands with green space provide a great opportunity to create monarch habitat and beautify your community by including monarch-friendly plants. Whether you are interested in planting a carefully designed formal garden, restoring a natural meadow, or creating something that falls somewhere in between, this guide will help you select a site and manage your project step by step.
Download our free guide on creating monarch habitat on corporate lands and become equipped with the tools and knowledge needed to help monarchs on the property owned or managed by your company. These actions will not only support the monarchs and their magnificent migration, but can also help your company meet their sustainability and other stewardship goals.
Inside the guide you’ll find:
- Considerations for locating, planning, and designing your monarch habitat
- Guidance on creating a budget and building team support
- Recommendations for selecting plants
- Tips for site preparation and planting
- Habitat maintenance recommendations
- A habitat evaluation rubric
- Ideas for promoting your monarch stewardship through education, outreach, and certification
- Resources for finding native plant nurseries and other monarch programs in Ohio
Rights-of-way (ROW), whether roadside or utility, provide a great opportunity to create habitat for monarchs and other wildlife. This can be done not only while maintaining safety as a top priority, but also while reducing costs associated with ROW management.
Download our free guide on creating monarch habitat on rights-of-ways and learn about six best management practices (BMPs) that can help guide your actions in creating high quality monarch habitat along these vital corridor areas.
Inside the guide you’ll find:
- Strategies to identify and preserve existing natural habitat
- BMPs for mowing, practicing Integrated Vegetation Management, and training staff
- Recommendations for selecting plants
- Ideas for raising public awareness of monarch-friendly habitat on ROWs
- Resources for finding native plant nurseries and other monarch programs in Ohio
Interpreting Your Monarch Habitat
Whether your habitat is on public or private lands, signage can be key for helping people understand what they’re looking at and its importance to the health and wellbeing of monarchs and other wildlife. This can be especially useful if you chose a less conventional and more naturalized look or wildscaping. Neighbors, passersby, employees, customers, community members, or homeowner association representatives will have a greater appreciation for your habitat if they can understand its purpose and vital need.
Pollinator Partnership (P2) has a wide variety of outreach materials available at Many of the materials can be customized with your organization’s logo (if you have one!). Our hope is that these guides will provide you with the tools and knowledge to create or enhance habitat for monarchs across any type of land which you have the ability to impact. Feel free to download, print, and display this MWAO “Habitat in Progress” sign to help others understand the importance of your monarch habitat. Signage can be a great way to start a conversation about the important role that Ohio plays in the tri-national migration of this extraordinary insect and that with a few simple actions we can make their journey a safer and more nutritious one!
If you’d like help designing custom interpretive signage specific to your site or adding your logo to some of our educational brochures, contact P2 at and Pollinator Partnership staff can consult with you to communicate the unique story of your habitat to your target audience!
Download SignRaise Awareness with the MWAO License Plate!
With the help of Kylee Baumle and other Ohio monarch enthusiasts, Pollinator Partnership now has a specialty license plate available for vehicles registered in the state of Ohio. When you need to renew your Ohio license plates, visit, log in, choose Specialty Plates, and select “MONRCH WNGS ACRSS OH”.
Show your advocacy for monarch conservation by displaying this distinctive license plate on your vehicle. The MWAO license plate is a great way to strengthen Ohio-specific monarch conservation efforts because $15 from the sale and renewal of every plate goes directly to Pollinator Partnership to fund monarch conservation and education within the state. Let Ohio know you support monarchs! Together we CAN make a difference for this imperiled pollinator!
Other Helpful Resources
Visit our monarchs page and learning center to discover more about monarchs and other projects and resources that the Pollinator Partnership has developed to help this imperiled species. For additional information on selecting native plants for your region that support a wide array of pollinators, check out our free pollinator friendly planting guides and habitat restoration and management webinar series.
The Monarch Wings Across Ohio program is fueled by tax-deductible donations. To find out how you can get involved, please contact Amber Barnes at