15th Annual NAPPC International Conference Recap
This year's North American Pollinator Protection Campaign (NAPPC) Conference, hosted at the U.S. Department of the Interior, was a huge success with more organizations represented than ever before! This event included fantastic, world class presentations from leaders in the pollinator field. Topics ranged from monarch butterflies, government agency updates, honey bees, and pollinators in an age of extinction. Speakers included: Mike Connor, Deputy Secretary, Department of the Interior Daniel Ashe, Director, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Dr. Peter Raven, President Emeritus, Missouri Botanical Garden Dr. Bruce Rodan, Senior Policy Analyst, White House Office of Science and Technology Policy Dr. Jeffery Pettis, Research Leader, USDA Beltsville Bee Laboratory Dr. Chip Taylor, Director, Monarch Watch Peter Kuper, Author, RUINS Dr. Elaine Leslie, Chief of Biological Resources, National Park Service Gene Brandi, Vice President, American Beekeeping Federation
Additionally, NAPPC convened 10 task forces who aim to establish goals surrounding a certain pollinator issue. Each cohort continues their work together through the following year to enact positive change on their topic. One task force provides municipalities with the science to effectively treat vector-borne diseases without harming pollinators. Another focuses on honey bee health, creating partnerships and gathering funding to distribute scientific grants. This same group has created TheBeeMD (http://thebeemd.com/) web application to help beekeepers diagnose and treat hive maladies. A brand new task force dedicates their time to help reverse monarch butterfly population decline. The joint efforts of the NAPPC collective will help the Federal Strategy on pollinators become a reality through direct action. The Pollinator Partnership works tirelessly to bring partne
Check out the pictures from the NAPPC 2015 Conference
NAPPC Conference Day 1 |
NAPPC Conference Day 2 |
NAPPC Conference Day 3 |
2015 Pollinator Award Winners

2015 NAPPC Pollinator Advocate - Canada
Jode can take credit for more than 1200 new monarch habitat sites in Toronto that help connect the monarch butterfly migration through its northern most range. From pothole planters and canoe gardens to butterfly friendly schoolyards and "parkify-ing" residential streets the #gotMilkweed campaign initiated in 2014 exceeded expectations. More than anything Jode’s work helps city dwellers see the role they can play in supporting biodiversity. Every little action counts and we are all better when we pool together. Awesome work Jode!

2015 NAPPC Pollinator Advocate - USA
A few years back Phyllis Stiles recognized that most people knew very little about pollinators and how to help them. She gathered fellow beekeepers together to design a new program that would mobilize urban and suburban communities to create healthy habitat for them – rich in a diversity of native, blooming plants and nesting areas, and free to nearly free of pesticides. Launched in 2012, the Bee City USA program endorses a set of commitments, defined in a resolution, for creating sustainable habitats for pollinators, which are vital to feeding the planet. Cities, towns and communities across America are invited to make these commitments and become certified as a Bee City USA affiliate. Phyllis, the bees thank you!

EMMA GOMEZ-RUIZ - TEXAS A&M UNIVERSITY, biodiversity.tamu.edu/people/students/
2015 NAPPC Pollinator Advocate - Mexico
Implementing on-the-ground conservation in the real world where people, policy, economics, and environments interact requires a deeper understanding of the human component that can make or break a program. Emma Gomez-Ruiz struck the right balance with her work on the Mexican long-nose bat. Not only is her work reaching across political and regulatory boundaries as she uncovers the keys to conserving nesting habitats for pollinating bats – she’s also been able to get the attention of party goers and happy hour aficionados because without bats there won’t be any tequila. Salud Emma!

2015 NAPPC-NACD Farmer Rancher
Back in the early 80s Don started doing something revolutionary and he hasn’t stopped. Pinelands Nursery & Supply started growing, selling, and distributing native plants to gardeners and for restoration programs throughout the Mid Atlantic. Going native seems commonplace today, but that wasn’t always the case. Don’s dedication to research and outreach showcasing the role that native plants could play in ecosystem restoration has helped create countless acres of pollinator habitat. We are excited to see those flowers continue to grow Don!

DAVID AINSLIE - GOLDENROD FARMS, erca.org/40conservation-champions/david-ainslie/
2015 Canadian Farmer Pollinator Advocate
A veteran of pollinator conservation before it was popular David has been working to restore natural biodiversity and pollinator populations on his farm for over 30 years. His beautiful, and now famous, Carolinian woodlot is the flagship of this conservation work, right next to his extensive corn and soy operation, showcasing how farming and ecosystem stewardship need not be mutually exclusive. Davis wasn’t born a farmer, he chose this vocation later in life showing us all that you can get back to your roots and shoots. Thanks for choosing to farm for us and for the bees David!

CONGRESSMAN JEFF DENHAM - 10TH DISTRICT, CALIFORNIA, denham.house.gov/issue/agriculture
Special Pollinator Advocate NAPPC 2015
Special Pollinator Advocate awards are just that – special. In today’s world of partisan politics consensus support across party lines is becoming an endangered species. We would like to honor the dedication of Congressman Jeff Denham for his service on the Congressional Pollinator Protection Caucus and his leadership role in forwarding pollinator conservation efforts both federally and locally in his home state of California. Congressman Denham’s role on the Natural Resources and Agriculture committee keeps him connected to supporting the bees that help bring food to our tables. Thank you for a job well-done Congressman Denham!