Pollinator Story: CONABIO
In June 2019, CONABIO joined the working group National Strategy for the Conservation and Sustainable Use of Pollinators. The strategy, led by the Ministry of Agriculture (SADER), aims to reach the sustainability of pollination as an ecosystem service in the long run. The first national workshop for the Strategy was held on November 12 2019.
CONABIO is also part of the project “Strengthening regional pollinator conservation to secure local benefits” by the Commission for Environmental Cooperation (CEC). This project seeks to develop a North American Pollinator Conservation Framework, including recommendations for improved decision making. The fist tri-national workshop was held in Oaxaca in February 2020.
CONABIO, along with the National Autonomous University (UNAM), is working on a campaign to promote public involvement in pollinator gardens, especially for birds, as well as in environmental education events about the importance of pollinators with local governments, such as that of Mexico City.
Finally, CONABIO has also supported several projects with local producers of native bees such as the stingless bees meliponines and some others which encourage local communities to produce honey while protecting the habitat for pollinators and other species such as the Baird's tapir in the sierra Mixe, Oaxaca.
Social Media:
@CONABIO; @Biodiversidad mexicana