Pollinator Story: Monarch Joint Venture
MJV is involved in four areas of pollinator conservation work: 1) Partnerships to facilitate collaboration among conservation practitioners, 2) Research and monitoring to inform our conservation efforts, 3) Education and outreach to engage and inspire to action a broad spectrum of individuals and entities, and 4) Habitat implementation to restore and enhance habitat for monarchs and other species.
More specifically, we are currently involved in the following specific projects: Leading implementation of a national monarch and habitat monitoring program, the Integrated Monarch Monitoring Program (IMMP), working with conservation partners to assess the effectiveness of conservation actions in restoring/enhancing habitat, piloting drone surveys and machine learning to measure milkweed density across the landscape, leading professional development workshops with K-12 teachers, coordinating a Monarch Conservation Webinar Series, providing technical assistance to agricultural producers to install pollinator habitat, and working with rights-of-way managers to evaluate habitat, identify areas for enhancement, and tailor management activities accordingly.
Tools for roadside managers: https://monarchjointventure.org/roadsidehabitat
More than Monarchs communication series: https://monarchjointventure.org/monarch-biology/more-than-monarchs
Monarch Conservation Webinar Series: https://monarchjointventure.org/resources/monarch-conservation-webinar-series
Integrated Monarch Monitoring Program: https://monarchjointventure.org/immp
Social Media:
Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/monarchjointventure
Twitter - https://twitter.com/MonarchsJV
Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/monarchjointventure