Cade Cappello

California Habitat Specialist

Cade grew up in California's San Joaquin Valley, the gateway to the Sierra Nevada mountains, where he developed a deep appreciation for the natural world. This passion led him to earn a B.S. in Environmental Management and Protection from California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo. Cade's experience spans a wide range of environmental fields, including botanical conservation, applied ecology, and research on sustainable recreation. His love for pollinators began while working at a wildlife foundation in southern Massachusetts, where he gained his first hands-on experience with pollinators through conducting entomological surveys onsite. Falling in love with the world of pollinators further developed his passion for botany and strengthened his commitment to habitat restoration. Now back in the San Joaquin Valley, Cade is excited to apply his skills and knowledge toward protecting local ecosystems and supporting pollinator conservation efforts.