Imeña Valdes

Illinois Project Wingspan Agriculture and Outreach Coordinator

Imeña Valdes is midwestern transplant via Central and Southern Florida who received her Bachelor of Science in Biology and a Certificate in Agroecology from Florida International University (FIU). Since undergrad, she’s been passionate about studying plant-animal interactions working in various labs at FIU, the USDA ARS Subtropical Horticultural Research Station, Montgomery Botanical Center, Guangxi University, and the Chicago Botanic Garden. Imeña then moved to Chicago for graduate school and earned her Master of Science in Plant Biology and Conservation from Northwestern University and the Chicago Botanic Garden where her research focused on pollinator preference between native and cultivated native (i.e., nativar) plants. Outside of her role with P2, she teaches environmental science in higher education, collects insects, and loves baking.