Seeds and Plants for Pollinators!
In collaboration with Stover Seed, these REGIONAL - NATIVE - POLLINATOR WILDFLOWER MIXTURES are the foundation for building your Bee Friendly Garden. The mission of Bee Friendly Gardening is to help people play a bigger role in the health of pollinators and the planet. Over 85% of U.S. households have an outdoor living space. If many of those households created much needed habitat, together we could have a big impact. Your space can support pollinators and other wildlife - no yard, garden, balcony, or window box is too small!
With no risk of introducing invasive plants into your local ecosystem, our mixtures promote the health of bees, butterflies, hummingbirds, and other pollinators. Each carefully formulated mix contains colorful, native wildflowers where species are in bloom during the spring, summer, and fall*—adding beauty to your landscape throughout the growing season! 🌸🐝
*Species contained in these mixes are native to the region presented, though are not necessarily known to be widely distributed in each individual state. These mixes were designed to bloom across 3 seasons when possible. Depending on availability, species of equal attributes may be substituted in the mixes.
A portion of the sales of this wildflower mix is donated to Pollinator Partnership’s Bee Friendly Gardening Program to assist in our mission.
Each Push Garden includes a curated selection of perennial wild flower seeds, nutrient rich grow medium, and instructions for planting a 1 sq. ft. garden patch. Made in the USA. Unit Size: 5" h x 1.5" d. 10% of the proceeds from each sale will be donated to Pollinator Partnership!
Pollinator Push GardensBOTANICAL INTERESTS
Protect pollinators with Botanical Interests! 100% of the proceeds of this packet will be donated to Pollinator Partnership, and will be filtered directly back into our pollinator programs. This mix creates a pollinator-friendly habitat with annual and perennial flowering plants that supply pollinators with nectar, pollen, and shelter. By growing this flower mix, you not only help our pollinator friends in decline, but you help us all!
Buy Botanical Interests SeedsOHIO PRAIRIE NURSERY
In conjunction with Ohio Prairie Nursery, we've designed a wildflowers only packet that will thrive and attract pollinators all season long.
This seed mix has been designed for situations where first year color is desired and contains only wildflowers and no grass component. Year one will be mainly annuals but provide pollinators a much needed place to land. Year two will see some annuals, biennials and perennials, and by year three a beautiful mix of perennials will bloom all season and provide a healthy and sustainable area for pollinators. This mix can be used alone, over existing grass plantings or combined with any of Ohio Prairie Nursery's grass only mixes.
By clicking on the graphic below you will be redirected the Ohio Prairie Nursery’s website. From there, you can order seeds with the promo code poll10 and any items purchased with that promo code will help raise funds for Pollinator Partnership programs. We thank you for your support – Happy planting!
Ohio Prairie Nursery has been producing native seed since 1998. Ohio Prairie Nursery goes to great lengths to assure you the highest quality seed available. All of their seed is tested for germination, purity, inert matter, other seed content and noxious weed seed content and labeled in compliance with the seed laws of the State of Ohio.
OHIO PRAIRIE NURSERY PO BOX 174, HIRAM, OHIO 44234 PH 866-569-3380 FX 330-569-7090
My Home Park- Habitat Hero Plant Kits
These kits offer a convenient way to create vibrant, pollinator-friendly landscapes for gardens of all sizes, from small urban spaces to larger backyard projects. These kits are designed around the Native Pollinator Garden Recipe Cards and are customized for different regions across the country, ensuring that each selection of plants is well-suited to local growing conditions.
In addition to promoting ecological wellness in your own garden, the Habitat Hero plant kits contribute to a broader mission. For every four plants purchased, one plant will be donated to a garden scholarship fund that supports education, improves access to native plants, and fosters community engagement in pollinator habitat enhancement. This initiative helps to expand the reach of pollinator-friendly gardening and encourages a deeper connection to nature and environmental responsibility.
Shop Habitat Hero Plant KitsSELECT SEEDS
Select Seeds has put together this carefully curated collection of top-value native perennials for Eastern and Midwestern states - check them out here!
Find a native plant nursery
Visit Plant Native's site to find a nursery near you using your zipcode
Looking for Cover Crop Seed in California?
Check out the Seeds for Bees program by Project Apis m.